Friday, December 16, 2016

Evelyn, After by Victoria Helen Stone

Product DetailsI got this book on Kindle First.   If you aren't familiar with Kindle First, it's an amazing program which allows Prime members to choose one book to own one month prior to it's actual release date. You never know what you are going to get, but in this case, it was a real gem.

This is another case of an unreliable narrator.  Evelyn is unhappily married and her psychiatrist husband has prescribed pills as a sleep aid.  One night, after taking her medication,  Evelyn receives a call from her husband - he's hit a deer and he needs Evelyn to come and get him.   At the accident site, Evelyn thinks she sees another woman and begins to suspect that her husband is having an affair.

The book is about Evelyn before and after that night - how she responds to tragedy and stress.  It definitely took some unexpected twists and turns though I did think that Evelyn seemed to lose her way.   It was enjoyable, especially for a debut novel.  I gave it three stars.

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