Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rewire Your Brain by Daniel Robert

 REWIRE YOUR BRAIN SELF-DISCIPLINE: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO OVERCOME FEAR, ANXIETY PANIC ATTACKS, TIMIDITY AND CONCERN AND ABOVE ALL POSITIVE THINKING   I found this book on Kindle unlimited and, as I have been dealing with anxiety a lot recently,  I thought I'd give it a try.  There was so much interesting information in this book, I was really surprised.  I learned so much about the brain's biological flight and fight response and how anxiety is part of that.

For example, did you know that when you are having an anxiety attack, your temperature will actually increase and may even show a slight fever?  Yeah because the hormones get your heart pumping and your blood moving and that can actually elevate your temperature. I can run anywhere from 97.8 to 99.2 on any given day.  This book wasn't as much about controlling your anxiety as it was recognizing it, the causes, and then some techniques you can use to help deal with it. 

It started me on the path of discovery and looking for natural ways to deal with my anxiety.  Medicine is not for me ( I've tried).  Now, I am looking into journaling, 2dialectic behavior therapy, nature remedies like sage tea and I even ditched the caffeine.  I'm happy to report that I am starting to see some improvement. 

This book had great information but it was poorly edited.  Probably self published.  Without those glaring errors that I came across while reading, i would have ranked it higher.  As it is, only a 3 out of 5 because the errors were distracting.  Still if you suffer from anxiety, this is a good place to start.  

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