This book is every mother's worst nightmare - you let your child out of your sight for a single moment and your living hell is now your reality. Rachel is a single mother - divorced. She and her 8 year old, Ben, are learning to adjust to their new circumstances. Rachel, Ben and their dog, Skittle go to the woods for a walk. Ben asks if he can run ahead with Skittle. Then the nightmare starts.
Rachel, like any mother, blames herself for her son being missing. Her ex blames her, too. This book is full of a cast of potentially shady characters, and even the ones you view as trustworthy all have something to hide. This story is definitely full of twists and turns.
It was a bit slow at times and the stroy switches perspectives from the mother, Rachel, to the lead detective. It even inlcuded some interviews with the lead detective conducted by some sort of internal affairs. I thought these interviews greatly detracted from the pace and nature of the story. That is why I gave it three out of five stars. If you enjoy this genre, it is definitely worth looking into.
That said, why is it that this is the second book of this nature where the teacher or the teaching assistant turns out to be the villian. Really, people??
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