I picked this up because someone recommended the book A Gathering of Shadows, which is book 2 in the series. Well, you can't exactly read book 2 without book 1. I'm so glad that I read this, it was very original.
It's the story of Kell, a traveler who uses magic to move between parallel universes - London to be exact. There is Red London, White London, Grey London and Black London. Kell is a messenger, he carries monthly missives from his King to the other royals in the other Londons. But he has a terrible habit, he likes to collect artifacts from the other universes, which is strictly forbidden.
Enter Delilah Bard - a cut purse and wanna be pirate. She steals something of Kells - a token that he desperately needs.
Its a fascinating story with a strong female character. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I can't wait to read about the further adventures of Ms. Bard in A Gathering of Shadows. I gave this one 4 out of 5 stars.
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