I loved the world building in this story. Mermaids and mermen were presented in a way that I had never heard of before. Imagine that, a completely unique take on a very old story.
Lizzie lives in Greece. She is being raised by friends, she has lost both of her parents. She meets Ky at school - sort of. You can discover that part of the story for yourself. I am not going to say too much about the plot, other than I really enjoyed most of it. I had my issues with some parts - typical teenage angst and all - but for the most part I thought it was so well done!
And that ending? Breathtaking. It was oth totally out of the blue and comfortingly familiar all at the same time. It had a Chronicles of Narnia feel to it. I was delighted to discover this is not her only book and am currently busy checking out the others. This was the perfect escape story for me. Loved it. Four stars.
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