First of all, let's talk about that cover. It's gorgeous and really made me curious about the story. The basics of the story involves a Trumpian politician, a SAT scandal, a coverup and the use of social media to expose it all. I didn't love this book, but there were definitely things that I liked.
First, I loved the inclusion in this book. The two main characters are both girls and, even though they are coming from opposite places in this story, it is mainly a love story about them. The great thing that I enjoyed about this relationship was that it happened so organically. It didn't seem forced. Even as a straight woman, I could relate to their feelings and experiences. I think that is really hard to write.
And there weren't just gay characters. There were transgendered characters too. Maybe because most of the characters in this book are teenagers, and this takes place, at least partially in high school, this inclusion seems more natural. I really enjoyed the supporting characters in this story, especially Mady. She really brings a unique perspective to the story and I wish the author had explored it some more. Maybe Mady will get her own book some day. I think I would enjoy reading it..
I loved the use of social media. This book did a beautiful job both of showing how we use it in such a frivolous way and how it can be used as a force for good.
Finally, I think the author did a really great job with voice. Each character seemed real. You could see them and understand, although not always agree, with their perspective. I could hear their voices in their head.
I guess at the end of the day, I didn't love the story but did think the book was well written. I gave it three stars.
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