This is the true story of Winnie - the bear, the REAL bear, that Winnie - the - Pooh was based upon. She was found by a veterinarian at a train depot - on a leash after a trapper had killed her mother. The young veterinarian, Harry Coleburn, payed $20 to save the bear back in 1917. He named her Winnie after his home town of Winnipeg. She became a beloved member of his regiment, but when they were sent to the front lines, Coleburn sent Winnie to live at the London Zoo.

It was there that she met and befriended Christopher Robin Milne who was allowed into Winnie's enclosure because they had such a good and true friendship. Christopher Robin named his own stuffed bear after Winne - who was a GIRL, btw - and the rest, as they say is history.
This was a wonderful, wonderful book with fabulous illustrations. I would recommend it to anyone. Five stars.
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