This is the story of Snow, a young girl who has spent most of her life in an insane asylum for trying to go through the looking glass. In the asylum, she has one friend, Bale, who is also her love. One night, Snow has a strange visitor, someone who speaks to her about her dreams and her nightmares. Not long after, something happens to Bale that forces Snow to go on an unexpected journey. I don't want to give too much of the story away, but that is the beginning gist of the plot.
Snow is a strange mixture of Snow White and the Snow Queen. Once again, Danielle Paige creates worlds that are familiar and yet, at the same time, completely unique. Her world building sklls are really very impressive. With the Dorothy Must Die series, I thought the first book was the best and the subsequent books have yet to live up to the first. In this series, I see the potential for the series to get better with each passing book. I am looking forward to hearing what happens to Snow and her friends.
I gave it four stars.
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