This is the story of Marley, her mother Rachel and her father. They may look like the perfect family on the outside but they are hiding many, many secrets. The main plot point in the story is that Marley runs away. I'm not really giving anything away here, I mean, look at the title. She is catfished - involved in a relationship with a fake online persona.
I have to say that in today's world, this is every mother's worst nightmare. You have an abuser find your child online, isolate them from their family and friends and lure them away to another location where God knows what can happen to them. That's this story.
Of course there is so much more going on, like why did Marley really leave? What is going on with her parents, especially her mother? And there is the all important reminder that we are modeling to our children, whether we think they are watching or not, the kind of relationships that they should build in their own lives. It's certainly a sobering thought.
This book kept me interested enough to keep reading. I gave it a 3 out of 5 stars.
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