This is the story of June, her sister, Greta, her beloved uncle, Finn and Toby. It is definitely one of the top ten books that I have read this year. The story is set back in the 1980's at the height of the AIDS epidemic. There are historical things that are mentioned in the book - like the speech that Reagan gave - that I remember happening. This book brought all the angst and insecurity that people had in dealing with one another during this time back into painful detail. I remember being afraid of being in the same room with someone who had AIDS because no one really knew how it spread. Now we know more.
This is a wonderful book of love, compassion, understanding and acceptance. The story is rich with symbolism and meaning. I loved the relationship between Greta and June and how the story finally ended up. It is a work of genius. Truly a book that will stay with me for a very long time!