In each life she finds all the people and places she loves. Sometimes they are altered and Greta imagines perfected somehow. What if you had a chance to glimpse your alternate lives, if such a thing were real? What if you could hold on to the ones you loved just a little longer?
This book is sweet and very quick and yet, it really makes you question and have real, philosophical thoughts. There were so many quotes in the this book that just really challenged me. I'm going to share a few here:
THERE ALMOST HAS to be a heaven. If other worlds surround us, just a lightning bolt away, then what would stop us from slipping there? If love has left us, well, then there is a world where it has not. If death has come, then there is a world where it has been kept at bay. Surely it exists, the place where all the wrongs are righted, and so why had I not found that place?
“Who are we when we’re not ourselves?”

This is a powerful little book that gives you lots to think about. It's magical. 5 out of 5 stars.
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