They made a movie of this many years ago now, with Sally Field playing the part of Betty Mahmoody. This story is completely terrifying for me, both as an American and as a mother. I can not imagine being anywhere in the world where the rights that I take so for granted would be more oppressed than they are in Iran. I can't imagine visiting somewhere that hates my country and who I am just because I was born here. I certainly would never want my daughter's to marry a muslim man who may feel that he has the right to oppress them because of his religion or political affiliations. I certainly would never take my children to a muslim country, for this very reason.
The writing was good and the story moved at a quick pace. Betty comes across as having a bit of an ax to grind against her ex-husband and his family ( rightly so but bias nonetheless). The challenge was to find a book that terrifies you - for me - there could be nothing more terrifying than being an American woman without my child in a muslim, male-dominant, society.
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