This is the story of Thea and Gavin - a couple who are struggling to find their way. Gavin is a major league baseball player and he and Thea have been married for three years. Things definitely aren't as perfect as they seem and after a serious fight with a lot of hurt feelings, they marriage is on the ropes. Not knowing what to do, Gavin has hit rock bottom when his friends decide to intervene. They welcome him into their secret book club - the bromance book club. They read exclusively romance novels and they claim that they have used these books to heal their relationships Will it work for Gavin and Thea?
The premise behind this book alone was enough to get me laughing. If you really think about it, romance novels can be a relationship guide in some respects. I loved how the men pointed out how feminist romance books actually tend to be and it even gave me some things to think about.
This book was light, fun, a great diversion with characters that I wanted to root for. At times it got to be just a bit much, but for the most part, very enjoyable.