It's been about a month and a half since I updated my progress on my Flights of Fantasy progress. I read 7 books from the fantasy genre to add to my list - now making my count 30 out of my goal of 50.
Here they are. First the BUY choices:
~Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee. This is an endearing novel of second chances with a healthy dose of the supernatural. If you are an animal lover, this one is a must. So touching!
~The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I was a little hestitant about this one at first. I was worried it was going to get too caught up in the romance but it surprised me. I LOVED this one and already have the sequel, The Glass Sword, on preorder. I can't wait.
~Armada by Ernest Cline. It's not Ready Player One, but then it's a different genre really. If you are a lover of Star Wars, Star Trek, and all things 80's.... this one is for you.
~Daughter of Smoke and Bone - by Laini Taylor. This one was so beautifully written, so detailed and descriptive. I could see the places and people and I thought that plot had very unique aspects. I will definitely be finishing this series.
~The Girl in Between by Laekan Zea Kemp. This book has the most amazing premise - it's about a girl with a sleeping disorder who isn't supposed to dream, but she does. Her dreamscape is comprised mostly of memories until one day, a boy she doesn't not know washes up on the beach. I am looking forward to book 2. I may even buy it.
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson - Tiger Lily was always my favorite character in Peter Pan and I always felt she was the least developed. This book made me see Tiger Lily and all my favorite characters in a new light.
~Sabriel by Garth Nix. I have to say that for me, this one was a huge disappointment. It just didn't engage me. I thought that the characters were two dimensional and I didn't really feel a connection with any of them. I will not be finishing this series. I just didn't care enough to continue.