I loved Karou. I love that her name means hope because that is what she is. The hope of an entire world is riding on her - the outcome of her decisions. She is smart, selfless and brave. She isn't a girly girl ( but that would have been ok too) I love the relationship that she has with her best friend. I even love the setting of the majority of the book ( Prague). It seems so fitting.
The relationship between Karou and Brimstone is also beautiful. I can't say too much about it without avoiding spoilers but I think the author did a wonderful job building their relationship, especially from just bits and pieces. And then there is the relationship of Karou and Akiva.... will it be the saving grace of their world? Or their ultimate downfall? At the end of this book.... SPOILER>>>>
We still don't know the answer, but I for one am looking forward to reading the rest of the series to find out. 4 out of 5 stars.