I read this one for my flights of fantasy challenge. I read the first in the series, Shadow and Bone, over a year ago and I finally got around to reading book 2. This was a wonderful continuation of the story.
This story continues with Alina and Mal trying to hide and escape from the Darkling. It's not easy for a sun summoner to hide among the average people and it isn't long before they are taken captive by a Privateer, Stormhond. Alina is given the opportunity to obtain a second amplifier for her power, something that she believes has never been done before.
I like this second book in the series because Alina is so much more than she appeared in the first book. She is stronger, more self sufficient and she knows what she wants. No one is quite sure what is best for her and for the country, Ravka, but Alina is fighting for her desires and to help the people she loves.
I also love the characters that were added in this book. My favorite is Nikolai. He always seems to see people for exactly who they are and that is a rare talent. He also tends to bring out the best in others. I think he, and the twins were a great addition to this book. I'm looking forward to seeing how their characters develop.
I downloaded the third in the series last night and began reading it. I am looking forward to seeing how the story ends. I gave this one 4 out of 5 stars.