Well, it's hard to believe that after today the first quarter of this year will be a fait accompli. Where does the time go? Apparently, I have been busy reading, and that's always a good thing! I've read 45 books so far this year, off to a good start. I haven't read a lot of break out books, but the five I'm about to share truly are, and if you haven't read them yet, what are you waiting for???

Parlor Games by Maryka Biaggio This is the amazing story of just how far one woman will go to advance herself in a world dominated by men. It's enchanting and engaging from the very first page.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. This book is just pure fun. It kept me engaged and guessing, quite literally right up until the last page. I loved this one.

This one had to be included because not only is it beautifully written but it broadened my view of the world. Not something that every book can accomplish.

This one is a ten ticket thrill ride of a Space Odyssey. It was amazing. As much as I loved the first book in the series, Red Rising, this one is even better. Can't wait for the next book and I hope I don't have to wait very long!
And finally, the best book I have read, by far, so far this year is....

This is a poignant look at life, love and dealing with depression. I loved it. It moved me. All truly great works of fiction have one thing in common - they make you FEEL something and boy, does this one do that.
Thanks Regina Foo for the idea for this posting. Happy Reading everyone. :)