Well, here it is again... the day for lovers. Always my least favorite holiday, I view it as little more than the commercialism of sentimentality. Just because my husband buys me a piece of jewelry from Kay jewelers, or brings home the biggest bouquet of red roses he kind find, doesn't mean that he loves me any more than he did yesterday. Or any less if he fails to do these things. It's the same with books.
This time of year you see all the posts about what is your favorite love story? What's the greatest romance ever written? Well, romance novels aren't my thing but I started thinking about books where the story is ultimately about LOVE. This post is the result of that train of thought. This post is for all you out there, who like me, don't really do romance novels but enjoy a book that makes you FEEL something.
This is my collection of some tried and true and some books that perhaps you hadn't thought of as LOVE stories before. So, if you are looking to read something about LOVE this Valentines day, this is a list of wonderful books for ALL ages. Some of my favorites,from childhood to adulthood:
What could be a greater story about love than this? The tree who gives everything for the boy she loves.....I still read this one to my children.

I still cry EVERY. TIME. This is the story about a little rabbit who loved so much he becomes REAL.
Still the GREATEST story about friendship that I have ever read - even after all these years.

A beautiful, beautiful story of love and loyalty.
A beautiful story of love and friendship.

This one puts even Old Yeller to shame.

The critics compared this one to Gone with the Wind. I didn't believe it.... until I read it. Now I buy EVERYTHING this author writes. It's just that simple.

A story of friendship and that intense first love. So well written by one of my favorite authors.

Not your typical YA book and not your typical love story. Amazing.
The story of the disinherited knight who loves a forbidden princess. Action/ adventure and Robin Hood? What more could one person want?

From the author of PS I Love You, you just have to read this one to understand.

Even though I am a firm believer of what's meant to be will always find a way, as an adult, I realize that sometimes love just isn't enough.

Probably one of the best love stories I have read recently.....
And Last but never Least, in my opinion the greatest love story ever written.....

and never doubt, for one second, that Scarlett gets her man.